BIM Revit API Developer

1. Which of the following languages is predominantly used to develop Autodesk Revit APIs?
2. What does the acronym 'API' stand for?
3. What is the primary function of Dynamo in the context of BIM and Revit?
4. Which of the following is NOT a typical use of Revit APIs?
5. Which of the following would you use for processing large sets of BIM data outside of Revit?
6. What does IFC stand for in the context of BIM data exchange?
7. What does the principle of DRY stand for in software development?
8. In the context of programming, what is 'refactoring'?
9. When building a plugin for Revit, which .NET framework class is commonly used to interact with the Revit document and its elements?
10. What is the Revit .NET API class 'FilteredElementCollector' typically used for?
11. What kind of database does Revit use to store its data?
12. In the context of BIM, what is the 'semantic web'?
13. What does 'unit testing' mean in the context of software development?
14. Which of the following is NOT a core principle of Agile software development?
15. What is 'source control' in software development?
16. What is a 'commit' in the context of version control systems like Git?
17. When working with a version control system, what does a 'branch' represent?
18. In the context of cloud-based BIM platforms, what is 'BIM 360'?
19. In the context of Revit APIs, what does 'transaction' refer to?
20. Which of the following describes the concept of 'continuous integration' in software development?